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Monday, September 13, 2010

Pee 21st birthday to me!

After the month of Ramadhan bid farewell, I say hello to a special day of mine- my 21st birthday.. Today ,on my birthday, I celebrate this day not as a birthday celebrant but as a woman that God wants me to be for this another big change in my life, being 21 years old. I don't see 21 years old as already old.. Hahaha… Totally far from that view because I see it as an additional year to continue the journey that I've started and with all the possible ways that I could make it to another birthday on the next year. InshaALLAH. Realistically, I may not foresee the future awaits me but I will always give it a go to and just enjoy the GREAT ESCAPADE of this new chapter of my life as I turn 21 today. Hehehe. Cheer for another birthday, year, adventure and chapter!

Yesterday was an other day. I thank God for that blessed 20 years of being here in the world. Since then, I've been witnessed and watched by others as a person with nothing but only plain imperfection. I-M-P-E-R-F-E-C-T-I-O-N that had disclosed the real me right from the outset. Likewise, I've seen through their eyes the real me by the way of their acceptance of who I am as a person, woman, sister, friend, student and classmate. Because of it, somehow, it has made me realized that on every updated version of myself on every year I welcome my birthday, life is, though not perfect, a gift to share with others and cherish forever. In this big bad world, where we live our lives for the sake of God, sharing our life with others with happiness, love, care, enjoyment, success, honesty, trust and even with tears, pain, suffering, failure and sacrifices is a big and genial thing! It's like sharing a cake, given from above, to everyone.=)

As I emphasized the word IMPERFECTION to describe me, one thing I know why it's not bad to admit we're imperfect for some reasons. One of it is:

" if we're trying to be someone to bring out the bests in us then it's hard to deal with life but being the real us is not a big deal to bring out the bests in us." simple to say -> live life and love life as a real person because our life in this world is not imaginary, it's real! Real gets only real if it's totally accompanied by real ones!

And now is today and today is another day. I want to see and witness once again my life gets colored by discovering the art of life has for me no matter how many mistakes I'll make and correct, small aims I'll succeed and fail, moments I'll treasure and forget, blessings I'll receive and be thankful of, problems I'll encounter and solve, challenges I'll survive and give up, happiness I'll experience and miss, struggles I'll suffer and cry for and, dreams I'll hope and pray for.

On this day and for the other coming days, I look forward to things such as old friends to stay and new friends to come, continuous safety of my family to remain and more blessings to multiply and, old me to still reign inside of me and new me to shine outside.. Hahahaaha…

Happy Birthday to myself...

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