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Friday, September 24, 2010

i miss being a stude...

Ok, how am I doing recently?? Fine.. Fine that no notes to grind and no books to stay up at nights just to make good on quizzes, oral recitations, or exams on the next day. I would love to say THANKS because no more to bits and pieces like those but I guess, I hate to say THANKS now. Simply because I've been missing the different varieties of being a student.

First. Concentrated. Ok, let me use this phrase "AS FAR AS I KNOW". As far as I know, study is a student's responsibility. From kinder to college, why won't I use that term " student's responsibility" to define this noun "STUDY".. Besides, realistically, study punches me 5 or 6 times in a week to remind me its my responsibility. Responsibility that I don't HATE much but I DESPISE sometimes because of the annoyance of SWEET TORTURES of books and teachers. Hahaha. As much as my parents knew from the very start they had sent me to a school that education is what they only could share and donate to me for my bright future, I also knew it from the time I've learned to write and read and to love studies its significance to our present and future. Indeed ,it’s a priceless thing we've gotten from them. Thus, we have to instill to our mind and heart that education is a key to our bright future and that we have to take the steps to overpass its challenges.

There are certain things you have to say NO and you must say YES. You know what I mean? Negative things that will not destruct your concentration and positive things that will help you to multiply your concentration.. It's so HARD to go well on quizzes, oral recitations and exams when you don't own full concentration. And here's the deal- the HARDEST part of boosting up your concentration is how to.. Right? But when you always air it, you won't lose your track of, at least, hitting the passing scores and good grades. But how?? Well , I guess you have to know your major priorities before anything else when it comes to being a STUDENT. You have to know how to limit, avoid and sacrifice. If these things may sound to you as lead to a serious life. Hey! No its NOT! These are ways of BALANCING your "tough learning life" from your "laid-back exploratory life". You'll see in the end its worth…hehehe..

I so missed those moments I'm reminding myself to be focused always when I had to get over with my schoolworks. And in the end of the day, had concluded saying ALHAMDULILLAH and thanking GOD, as always in prayers, for shielding me from satans' destructions,whispers and influences..

Second. Laid-back. Who says studying is just all about burning the midnight oil/s. You might scare other people of your noticeable huge eye bags on the next morning. Hahaha..Oh, come on! Life has full of surprises that we should not miss.. One of its surprises is when you're instructor suddenly can't meet you coz he urgently needs to make up to his scheduled appointment or just he doesn't want to hold a class session. Haha. What a surprise for you to throw your notes and books for just a while, let your worries be swept by the wind to far far away land, and just CHILL-AX! Isn't that cool to have a moment for yourself with interesting stuffs to do..? YES.YES. SUPER COOL..hehe.. How about after having your oh-not-so-good exams??? Well, as far as I could remember, I'd never missed saying "YES! MYAPASAD SO EXAMS AKN..MAKAPAGREST REST TADN" after my exams.. LOL ^__* ..

I miss it so much. During my undergraduate days, having little breaks from my schoolworks was fun because cool stuffs followed then ,without delay, like hitting the Commercial Center and stepping in to one of the best places you could chill and chat while eating with your school buddies…hehehe. Those days of being relaxed meant a lot to my both "tough learning life" and "laid-back exploratory life".. Argh! I'm missing the bites of its sweet relief effect to me.. Ahahaaha.

Third. Interactive. ^--*(winks) . This really had helped to spice up my both learning and exploratory in this world as a student with two different lives is insanely challenging. Yah, I did find it difficult to face at first. I consider this as one of my weaknesses. I don't easily get motivated to interact with people. I just mingle with people that are close to me coz with them I find the ease to talk the way I talk, laugh the way I laugh and react the way I react.. Natural lang pareh.. Hahaha. But with others like classmates. Hmmm, sorry. I talk less. I don't laugh, just smile. And react little coz I really do often over react. Hahaha. That's me.. But at least, I really do interact with people, either with friends, classmates, instructors or colleagues.. So long as you could consider it as interaction and most probably as socializing at the same time.

Hayy, being at home makes me miss the people I interact with-- might be seldom, often and always.. Tsk..=(

Fourth. LAZY and LATE.. Toinkz… ok, I have this to say about this, I've had experienced that but not most of the time during my undergrad days..ugh, I'm realizing right now that it really feels shameful on my part coz compare to my highschool days before, I never had a record of tardy,late or absent and not even one X mark on our attendance sheet.. Hahaha.

LAZY and LATE ,these things go hand in hand for a bad record.tsk. If you're lazy then probably you'd be late- either attending your classes or submitting your homeworks on time. Luckily, I'm not one of those who are late in submitting.. I think I've learned how to tolerate this instance coz since no one would punish me if I'm late for 15minutes or less 5minutes.. Compare to our Alma Mater.. Hmmp! Dare to be late for 2 minutes after the bell was rang, you'll be watching yourself picking up dried leaves and filling them in a sack under the heat of sun. But it doesn't still stop your suffering when the sack is already full. After accomplishing it ,you have to listen sermons from SAO officer until you get a permission slip allowing you to attend your class… Tough things that don't exit in our college life..I'm thankful.. hahaha

Fifth. Being either active or inactive.. I'll not refer it to school activities or any organization coz I don't have interest with those things..*LOL* I'm just referring to being very active chatting with my friends inside or outside the classroom . Hmmp, can't stand an hour without talking. Hahaha. I'm also up for foods! Always! So appearing at Commercial Center for foods is simply irresistible! Hahaha. Well, on the other side of being active, I'm so not active when it comes to election, I don't hate election even though I hate politics but I avoid election.. Hahaha. So how many elections I hadn't appeared to vote. ??(thinking).. Add also DO DAY to my not- to- be-active list..

Of course , I really miss those things which had made, and will make me alive and active always during a boring class session or monotonous day at school…^__*

Elections?? Feeling guilty of missing them coz I'm avoiding them. {*.*}

Hhhmmmp, So far,these are just few of varieties of a student I've been missing recently…=)

Anyway, I'm having a little break from these but soon after the Bar Exam, these stuffs will opt in to my life once again. This time on a a next level and difficult round. Yap. I'm referring to proceeding to law at MSU-IIT, inshaALLAH.. This time, no backing out! Hahaha. Goodluck to the both of us!=) Another four years to join together in struggling.. Haha.

" Once you are a law student, its like you'll be sentenced to imprisonment for 4years . But sad and horrible to say that life behind the bars is like an insane person's life in the mental hospital..

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